Welcome to mobilkit’s documentation!
mobilkit is a library for analyzing human mobility data in Python, leveraging on the Dask framework for faster, parallel computation.
The library is in continuos development and currently allows to:
Load and filter raw mobility data covering large spatial and temporal extensions.
Compute the user statistics (number of active days, number of positions recorded) and filter them accordingly to the analysis.
extract home and work locations of users based on a given tessellation.
compute the land use of a given urban region
characterize the displacement of people under different grouping (distance from an epicenter, socio-economic index, etc.) after a major event
Besides this documentation, many example notebooks can be found in the original repo under the docs/examples folder.
Detailed notebooks with all the functionalities shown are found in examples/.
Collaborate with us
mobilkit is an active project and any contribution is welcome.
You are encouraged to report any issue or problem encountered while using the software or to seek for support.
If you would like to contribute or add functionalities to mobilkit, feel free to fork the project, open an issue and contact us.
mobilkit will install a complete installation of Dask, so consider installing it in a virtualenv to connect to an existing dask cluster.
You can try mobilkit without installing it on Binder, just click below
Create an environment mobilkit
python3 -m venv mobilkit
source mobilkit/bin/activate
Update pip to latest version in the environment
pip install --upgrade pip
Install mobilkit
pip install mobilkit
OPTIONAL to use mobilkit on the jupyter notebook
Activate the virutalenv:
source mobilkit/bin/activate
Install jupyter notebook:
pip install jupyter
Run jupyter notebook
jupyter notebook
(Optional) install the kernel with a specific name
ipython kernel install --user --name=mobilkit_env
If you already have scikit-mobility installed, skip the environment creation and run these commands from the skmob anaconda environment.
mobilkit by default will only install core packages needed to run the main functions. There are three optional packages of dipendencies (the mobilkit[complete] installs everything):
[viz] will install contextily, needed to visualize map backgrounds in certain viz functions;
[doc] will install all the needed packages to build the docs;
[skmob] will install scikit-mobility as well.
Test the installation
> source activate mobilkit
(mobilkit) > python
>>> import mobilkit
If you use mobilkit please cite us:
Enrico Ubaldi, Takahiro Yabe, Nicholas K. W. Jones, Maham Faisal Khan, Satish V. Ukkusuri, Riccardo Di Clemente and Emanuele Strano Mobilkit: A Python Toolkit for Urban Resilience and Disaster Risk Management Analytics using High Frequency Human Mobility Data, 2021, KDD 2021 Humanitarian Mapping Workshop, https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.14297
- Bibtex:
- @misc{ubaldi2021mobilkit,
title={Mobilkit: A Python Toolkit for Urban Resilience and Disaster Risk Management Analytics using High Frequency Human Mobility Data}, author={Enrico Ubaldi and Takahiro Yabe and Nicholas K. W. Jones and Maham Faisal Khan and Satish V. Ukkusuri and Riccardo Di Clemente and Emanuele Strano}, year={2021}, eprint={2107.14297}, primaryClass={cs.CY}, archivePrefix={arXiv}}
Credits and contacts
This code has been developed by Mindearth, the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) and Purdue University.
Funding was provided by the Spanish Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean (SFLAC) under the Disruptive Technologies for Development (DT4D) program.
The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this repository and in the example notebooks are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank and its affiliated organizations, or those of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent.
The code is released under the MIT license (see the LICENSE file for details).
- Quickstart
- Mobility for resilience: population analysis
- Mobility for resilience: displacement analysis
- Mobility for resilience: POI visit rate analysis
- Mobility for resilience: population density analysis
- Urban spatial structure: the Mumbai example
- Urban spatial structure: cities comparison
- Loading data
- mobilkit package